Filed under  Enterprise Application Solutions, Asset Management Enterprise Application, Asset Management Software Development.

Multi-Billion Dollar Asset Management Company

Techwuli's Technology Strategy provides an innovative solution to increase efficiency & streamline critical processes, saving countless hours of time and money

A large asset management company to some of the largest global institutional investors with $98.8 billion in assets under management for institutional investors, including pensions, insurance companies, endowments, foundations and sovereign wealth funds, as well as registered investment advisors.  This company manages a wide array of investments, spanning from aggressive, high volatility market-neutral hedge funds to benchmark-driven traditional equity funds.

Imagine the amount of data collected every minute of every day in the investment banking world. While business is rapidly being transacted, there’s a behemoth system that is storing and keeping safe all of that data.  Now, what happens when there’s a breakdown in the system that stores, tracks, monitors and reports all of this critical information?  How do you find errors, and how much time does a company sacrifice trying to locate the problems?  What happens when the reports containing vital intellectual statistics that effect crucial decision making are not available? 

Techwuli developed a technology strategy that involved developing a software solution that would continuously monitor and track massive amounts of data collected in a highly complex information management system.  The software was designed to immediately trigger an alert when an error is detected in the flow of data traffic; avoiding a critical breakdown.  This sophisticated system highlights the course of information and the path and location of the error, saving numerous hours examining millions of lines of code.  Techwuli also developed a mobile application that mirrors the entire system, giving technology managers the autonomy to proactively address issues ubiquitously, 24/7.



Contact Us

  • 500 West Putnam Ave., Suite 400, Greenwich, CT 06830


  • Main:   1.203.542.7317
  • Sales:  1.203.936.9854
  • Fax:     1.877.335.5508